Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tactics, tactics and more tactics

These 2 chapters really introduce many different approaches a PR campaign can take. These tactics are not limited to what is present in the readings but expand with the creativity of a PR practitioner.

The first thing I must remember from this reading is the fact that we are in the twentieth century where people are no longer susceptible to mass media advertising. People are now able to tune out this form of advertising and often respond to it negatively. As a PR student, I must take this into account in my future PR plans.

The second thing I take away is the need for PR students to be multi-skilled. PR professionals get involved in many different fields. In order to work to the best of their ability, they need adequate knowledge of each of these fields to be a valuable asset to the company.

These readings make me think a lot about the daily challenges a PR practitioner faces. It is often difficult to come up with PR plans and having to do approach each campaign differently and creatively. After reading the different tactics available, I realize the amount of research and thinking it takes to decide on the tactics that should be used.

In a society today where most people respond negatively to advertising, it is important to approach advertising and marketing is subtle ways. These methods have made use of today's popular culture where companies integrate their products and make the people who use them 'cool'.

I like what this method strives to achieve:
Trust me -> Tell me -> Show me -> Include me

We must always remember that our audience's perceptions constantly change and often try to resist our attempts at gaining awareness. These trends must be something we as PR students should remember and use in our future PR plans.


  1. Consumers' behaviour is moving from 'how long the product can be used' to 'how does the product make me feel'.

    That's why brand management is important too.

    Yup, we are now exposed to too much advertising, it is time for PR practitioners to put in creativity to, again, attract their eyeball.

    I like what you said about the 'audience try to resist our attempts at gaining awareness'. Indeed, this is the time where we as PR practitioners (in the future, maybe) should really not only work hard, but also work smart! ^^

  2. yeah, your comments really hit the spot.

    Its also true about branding. The point of branding is getting people to remember your logo and leave with an impression. To achieve all this, creativity really is the key.

    Its funny how creativity is going to become the norm for PR campaigns.

    Maybe in a few decades PR campaigns will evolve to a whole new level to be creatively creative.
